Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What is Frac Sand?

FRAC Sand is a high, quality and high purity sand that is extremely durable and possesses very round grains. It is crush resistant, and can be used in hydraulic fracturing to aid in the production of petroleum fluids.

At Del Sol Industrial Services, we serve the FRAC market by providing analysis of your sand and mines. If you are going to become involved in the FRAC Sand market, you need to be sure you are producing a quality products. Del Sol Industrial Services also provides FRAC Sand processing facilities, FRAC Sand Plant construction, and the refinement of already existing FRAC Sand plants.

Del Sol Industrial Services also provides FRAC Sand Consulting. Let us offer our knowledge and expertise to design and produce an efficient FRAC Sand Facility for your business. We provide on-site analysis, post-visit analysis, plant design optimization, and process flow improvement. There's really now way to lose when you invest your time and money in our FRAC Sand Consulting services.

What Does Frac Sand Look Like?

Since Del Sol Industrial Services deals with FRAC Sand on a daily basis, here are a couple of pictures of High Quality FRAC Sand, Medium Quality FRAC Sand, and Low Quality FRAC Sand for reference. These are great indicators, but not completely conclusive, of FRAC Sand.

High Quality Ottowa White. 8k Crush Factor.

 Medium Quality Shore or River Sand. 5k Crush Factor

 Low Quality Angular Sand; will not pass a crush test